PURPOSE: to analyze the vocal impact in the daily activities on high-school teachers. Correlate the finding of the auto-perception on the vocal problem with the following aspects: effects in the work, daily communication, social communication and, its emotion METHODS: the sample consisted of 107 teachers, 86 with and 21 with no complaint, selected from private teaching schools in Maceió-AL. Each teacher answered individually the Protocol for Voice Activity Participation Profile in the presence of the researcher, noting their responses on a visual scale ranging from 0 to 10. The protocol is composed of 28 questions with the presence integrated in five aspects to evaluate the quality of life and the result of vocal treatments. The protocol offers, still, two additional scores: punctuation of limitation in the activities (PLA) and restriction of participation (PRP). RESULTS: comparing the groups with and with no vocal complaints, the aspects demonstrated that all the results had been statistical significant (p<0.001) and, all the greater scores were related to the group with vocal complaint. The PLA was 11.10, total of 30 points. The PRP was 5.50, total of 30 points. The punctuation for the average of the aspects was 79.50, total of 280 points. CONCLUSION: the average for the analyzed aspects was 79.50 points verifying so that teachers feel limited in the exercise of their profession, but not limited to exercise it. The correlation of the aspects had a statistical significance, demonstrating reliability. The PLA and PRP additional scores delivered values that reinforced the limitation in exerting teaching activity.