PURPOSE: to check the incidence of possible disorders in children with reading and writing auditory processing disorder. METHODS: We selected 15 children with normal hearing, in the age group of 8 to 12 years, with low school income and that were being treated in the sector of written language in the Clinical Center of Speech and Hearing of Pontifical University Catholic of Minas Gerais. The individuals were submitted to the following tests: Pediatric Speech Intelligibility test, Pediatric Speech Intelligibility test, Speech with noise, Speech Filtered, Gap in Noise and Standard of Duration and Frequency. RESULTS: it was found that all children had changes in at least one hearing ability in auditory processing. CONCLUSIONS: There was strict and close relationship between the auditory processing skills and reading and writing disorder. The procedures which excelled in identifying neurological abnormalities in auditory information processing tests were SSW, PSI with words in noise and Test Frequency Pattern melodic.