PURPOSE: to compare the sound localization ability of 40 preschool children with their parents' answers. The questionnaire answered by the parents investigated otitis media (OM) episodes and symptoms that indicated the audiological and auditory processing disabilities. METHODS: after applying and analyzing the questionnaire's answers, two groups were formed: OG (with OM) and CG (control group). Each group with 20 preschool children, of both genders, was submitted to the sound localization test in five directions (according to Pereira, 1993). RESULTS: comparison between OG and CG did not reveal statistically significant difference (p=1.0000). CONCLUSION: OM episodes during first infancy did not influence the sound localization ability in this preschool children study. Although both used evaluation instruments (questionnaire and sound localization test) are cheap and easy to apply they are not sufficient to differ both tested groups.