BACKGROUND: vocal acoustic measures in individuals with Parkinson Disease (PD). PROCEDURES: case studies, descriptive statistics; five pairs of Parkinson patients and control group, three male and two female subjects, between 36 and 63-year old. Evaluations on otorhinolaryngology, speech therapy, voice analyzed by the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Advanced Model 5105 by Kay Pentax®. RESULTS: f0 in women adults of middle age with PD, was in full male and f0 of the controls on the bottom of the band of women. In other subjects, who were men of different ages, f0 was normal; there was an increase for all acoustic measures, mainly, in the subjects with PD of all studied age groups. CONCLUSION: aging process and its consequences seem to act as an interference factor in the changes of acoustic voice, but apparently, PD and the early age of its appearance may come to enhance these changes, reflecting a negative impact on phonation.