PURPOSE: to describe acoustic vocal modifications that may occur after the vocal technique production of high-pitched sound in young adult women without voice complaints and with normal larynx. METHODS: 23 subjects participated in the study and signed the Free and Clarified Consent, completed a questionnaire, the ear, nose and throat evaluation was performed with indirect laryngoscopy; stomatognathic system evaluation, and hearing screening. They produced the high-pitched sound in three series of fifteen repetitions, maximum time speech with intervals of 30-second rest between each series. Vocal acoustic analysis was carried out using the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Model 5105, of Kay Pentax. RESULTS: in the vocal acoustic analysis, we was noted after the high-pitched sound, increasing measures of fundamental frequency and fundamental frequency perturbation, reduction measures of intensity perturbation, noise, voice breaks, voice irregularity and tremor. However, there was no statistical significance in any of the measures offered by the program. CONCLUSION: in this group, the high-pitched sound showed no significant acoustic effects statistically significance on the voice signal.