出版社:Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas
摘要:The year 2013 marks a turning point in the journal’s trajectory.This year, the “Open Access Year”, is a year to remember for our journal.At the beginning of the year, we were chosen to be included in the SCOPUS Collection.In July, we were admitted to the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO).In August, the US National Agricultural Library (NAL) invited Revista Ambiente & Agua to be catalogued in the AGRICOLA database.We also were ranked in the B1 stratum of the Interdisciplinary Area by the “Qualis CAPES”, the most important journal index in Brazil.By year’s end, the Bid MCTI / CNPq / MEC / CAPES No 44/2013 had awarded us a grant aimed at encouraging the editing and publication of highly specialized Brazilian scientific journals in all areas of knowledge in order to significantly advance the country’s scientific and technological development and innovation.We also participated in two major publishing events: SciELO 15 Years and The XIV ENEC (Brazilian National Conference of Science Editors).As with recent editions, this issue includes 20 peerreviewed articles.We continue our policies of complete open access and of working to increase the visibility of articles.
关键词:Ambiagua; environment; water resources; Qualis CAPES; SciELO.