摘要:Este estudo objetivou investigar a relação entre religiosidade e qualidade de vida em pessoas com vírus da imunodeficiência humana, já que a religiosidade tem sido considerada relevante nesse contexto. Participaram do presente estudo 90 pacientes soropositivos ao vírus da imunodeficiência humana de um hospital de referência em João Pessoa no estado da Paraíba, sendo 56% do sexo masculino. Foram utilizados os instrumentos da Avaliação da World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire-bref, quatro questões sobre religiosidade do World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire-100 e o questionário de atitude religiosa. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e bivariadas, bem como uma análise de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise), a fim de se verificarem as variáveis que melhor explicariam a qualidade de vida nessa amostra. Ficou demonstrado que houve relação entre religiosidade e qualidade de vida entre os pacientes, ressaltando-se que a dimensão da religiosidade se relacionou com os domínios psicológico, social e ambiental de qualidade de vida, o que se manifestou de forma semelhante entre os pacientes sintomáticos. Percebe-se a importância da religiosidade no contexto da saúde e enfrentamento de doenças.
其他摘要:Religiousness has been cited as an important factor in the context of living with the Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between religiousness and quality of life in people living with Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. So 90 patients living with HIV from a reference hospital in João Pessoa, in the Brazilian state of Paraiba, participated in this study, 56% of them being males. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire-bref, four questions about religiousness from the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire-100 and the Religious Attitudes Questionnaire were used. Bivariate and descriptive analyses were performed as well as a multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise), that verifies which variables would best explain the quality of life in this sample. The relationship between religiousness and quality of life among the patients was demonstrated, highlighting that religiousness was related to the psychological, social and environmental domains of quality of life, which also manifested itself in similar fashion amongst symptomatic patients. The importance of religiousness in the context of health and coping with illness could be observed.