摘要:They are few the rakes of the country that have the modern technology and the personnel qualified to carry out the humanitarian sacrifice as it indicates it the Federal Law of Animal Sanity. (DOF. 23-July-2007). Really the only dependence or association that he/she has had interest and he/she has been in charge of seriously of supervising that the slaughter is carried out in a humanitarian way, it is the denominated civil association ANPALPA A.C (National Association for the Application of Laws of Protection to the Animals) that has taken the initiative to introduce the methods of humanitarian sacrifice in near 400 rakes and slaughterhouses of the country; and it is unlikely that the corresponding authorities (SAGARPA and HEALTH), have not taken the responsibility properly of continuing with this work begun by ANPALPA for 30 years, since finally to the authority it corresponds him to assist this problematic one and not to the civil society, like it has been happening so far. It was scientifically proven that, to better treatment and good handling of the animals dedicated to the sacrifice, less estrés, smaller loss of weight will be caused and it will be obtained better quality and bigger quantity of the products meat resultants. Difference should not exist among the rakes TIF (Type Federal Inspection) and the municipal rakes or the matters, in the concerning thing to good facilities, modern technology, sacrifice methods, qualified personnel, sanitary supervision, I manage hygienic of the products and combat to the produced contamination, since the obtained products, they are dedicated for human consumption and its quality and hygiene they should be conscientiously revised in any slaughter center, call you TIF, municipal or matter. The only difference that it should exist among the rakes TIF and the municipal ones, it resides in the size of the facilities, same that should be according to the quantity of animals sacrificed daily, but not in the technology and functionality of the facilities, as well as in the personnel's training that there works. He/she intended the innovation of establishing a stamp of guarantee of humanitarian sacrifice, with that which the consumer can be sure that the meat product that will buy, comes from animals that were sacrificed with the humanitarian methods of previous desensitization, to avoid to the maximum the suffering of the animals. This stamp can be additional to that of the sanitary inspection.