标题:The use of operations research as a tool for monitoring and managing food-assisted maternal/child health nutrition (MCHN) programs: An example from Haiti
摘要:This report describes the methods and results of an operations research undertaken to assess the effectiveness of World Vision (WV)’s food assisted maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) program in the Central Plateau region of Haiti. The research had three main objectives: (1) to assess the effectiveness of implementation and operations of the program relative to plans; (2) to assess the quality of delivery of the various services; and (3) to explore the perceptions of different stakeholders (i.e., beneficiaries and field implementers) regarding program operations and service delivery and the motivational factors that may affect staff’s performance and job satisfaction. The overall goal was to identify constraints to effective operations; it was more important to identify and implement corrective actions that will ensure smooth implementation of the program and its various components. The report is directed to program managers, researchers, and development professionals who are interested in applying operations research methods to evaluate and strengthen similar MCHN programs with a food aid component in developing countries. The operations research used a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods, including structured observations at different program delivery points, structured and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, and a series of focus group discussions with the program staff. The following three main program service delivery points were included in the evaluation: (1) the Rally Posts (RPs) (n = 19), where health education, growth monitoring and promotion (GMP), and other preventive health-care services are provided, and where program beneficiaries are identified; (2) the Mothers’ Clubs (MCs) (n = 20), where smaller groups of participants gather to discuss health and nutrition topics in the context of the program’s behavior change and communication (BCC) strategy; and (3) the Food Distribution Points (FDPs) (n = 10), where beneficiaries receive their monthly food rations.
关键词:Caribbean;Latin America and the Caribbean;Operations research;Nutrition programs;Food aid;Children;Maternal and infant welfare;Assessment;Health and hygiene;Haiti;Developing Countries