摘要:Cloud has emerged into another enhancement that manipulates the diversity of resources in order to expand the ability of Cloud facility. Cloud is no longer being seen as one-type service provider. The advantages of the heterogeneous Cloud give great benefits to the users and have business potential in service market. To cope with the dynamic nature of heterogeneous Cloud, the Cloud provider needs to have strategies to efficiently allocate tasks to the resources. Also, to charge the services is another challenge to the Cloud provider as the resources in the Cloud system are heterogeneous. In this study, we suggest the implementation of a. Multi-level priority-based scheduling and dynamic pricing into the heterogeneous Cloud model. We perform an extensive performance evaluation on the model through simulations. We define the attribute of the Cloud simulation as dynamic and random to address the heterogeneous feature of the Cloud. Our simulation result shows that the multi-level priority-based is significantly increasing the resource utilization rate and its integration with the dynamic pricing successfully improves the performance of the Cloud service in term of satisfaction rate.