期刊名称:Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitaion Sciences
出版社:International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System
摘要:Background: Drooling is a major issue among children suffering from cerebral palsy which can also affect the quality of life of the children and their parents.. There are different therapeutic interventions for drooling management. Kinesiologic taping therapy is one of them. The current study was conducted to make out the effectiveness of kinesiologic taping therapy among cerebral palsy children. Objective: The objective of study was to determine the effectiveness of kinesio taping as therapeutic intervention in CP children with drooling, to provide evidence based facts of therapy to decrease drooling and to increase the awareness of taping technique in management of drooling. Methodology: The experimental study was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFIRM) Rawalpindi. 30 CP children were selected with age between 2-6 years with moderate to severe drooling through convenient sampling technique. kinesiotape has been applied on each child for 45 minutes per session, 5 days per week for two months continuously. Data was collected through Thomas-Stonell and Greenberg drooling scale to measure frequency and severity of drooling and drooling impact scale on 1st day and finally on 8th week within the same group. Results: Data analysis done on SPSS vs. 20. Paired sample t-test was used for pre and post testing. The results of current study show that the kinesiotaping has a significant impact on drooling management. Data was computed and statistically analysed and compared by paired sample t test with significant value of 0.00. Conclusion: The study indicated on the basis of results, that the kinesiologic taping has an important role for reducing drooling in cerebral palsy children and proved one of the safest treatment option for management of drooling in cerebral palsy children