摘要:O surgimento da disciplina sobre empreendedo- rismo em cie¿ncias de gesta¿o gera um conti¿nuo debate em seu a¿mbito. Consequentemente, para ter uma compreensa¿o melhor do desenvolvimento dessa a¿rea de pesquisa, e¿ u¿til conhecer sua estru- tura cienti¿fica. Esta pesquisa usa te¿cnicas de biblio- metria e ana¿lise de grupos para apresentar um panorama da pesquisa nessa disciplina. Sa¿o anali- sados os 1.112 artigos publicados nas atas do FER, entre 1981 e 2009, bem como os 378 artigos publi- cados no Journal of Business Venturing, entre 2000 e 2010. Ambos os fo¿runs sa¿o considerados representativos no interca¿mbio do pensamento sobre empreendedorismo. Os resultados mostram que a pesquisa sobre empreendedorismo publicada nesses fo¿runs e¿ caracterizada por diversos temas que na¿o esta¿o necessariamente conectados. Simi- larmente, os resultados mostram a mudanc¿a dos temas ao longo do tempo.
其他摘要:Along with entrepreneurship's continuing emergence among the management sciences, there is an ongoing debate about what the field is - or should be. In this regard, to have a better understanding of the development of this research field, it is useful to understand the scientific structure. This study uses bibliometric techniques and cluster analyses to present an empirically grounded picture of the entrepreneurship research. This research analyzes the 1,112 full-length papers published in the FER Proceedings between 1981 and 2009, and the 378 articles published in the Journal of Business Venturing between 2000 and 2010. Both forums are considered representative in the exchange of entrepreneurial thought. The results indicate that entrepreneurship research published in these forums is characterized by varied themes that are not necessarily connected. Rather, they reflect the disciplinary training and lens of their authors; and considerable dynamism and change in key research themes over time. Hopefully, the results presented here provide abundant opportunities for identifying insightful, influential, and creative research topics in the entrepreneurship field.