其他摘要:This investigation was undertaken wíth the purpose of comparing the recovery and categorízatíon process of short and long tenn memories in a free reeovery paradigma among patients with Organie Mental Syndrome (OMS). Twenty patients with this eondition were selected at random at the Neurologieal Institute of Colombia. An equal number of normal subjets, with similar characterístícs were examined as a control group. Both groups were subdivided in two with ten individ·uals eaeh one. A series of 20 figures to be memorized were shown to the first subgroup. The list of the 20 items recorded was presented to the second subgroup. Subjects were requested then to retrieve the information given. A second presentation ehanging theorder of the iteml wal made and the recovery time was measured to estabilish the executíon of short term memory. Two hours later the subject was requested to recover again the items in order to examine long term memory. Resulta were evaluated using an analysis of varianee of three facton with a repeated factor. Patients with OMS showed an inferior execution when compared to controls, not only in the number of items retrieved but also in the categorized ones. Therefore the general hypothesis and derivatives were confirmed. The modality which produced a greater score was the pictoric one in both groups. It is suggested that in patients with OMS, the sensorial register is altered as a eonsequence of the neurologieal damage produeed by the etiological cause, originating difficulties at eoding and storing short and long term memories