其他摘要:The present work was designed to assess a program aimed to the development of social skiUs in a group of Chilean University students with difficulties in assertiveness. Three self-report questionnaries (lBS. of Mauger &: Adkinson, 1978; SAD, of Watson Be Friend, 1969; CSES, of Galassi &: Galassi, (1974) applied to !lOO randomly chosen university students were used to se1ect 45 subjeets with difficulties in assertíveness. These subjects were submitted to the following baseline measurement 1) Self-report test; 2) Behavioral assessment in "refusing demands" sitúations; S) Physiologieal Test (Galvanie Skin Resístence GSR).. The 45 subjects were randomly assigned to S groups: Experimental Group (EG) , subjeeted to baseline measurement and treatment; Control Group 1 (CGI), subjeeted to baseline measurement and no treatment; Control Group 2 (CG2), subjected to self report tests and no treatment. Treatment consisted of 14 sessions of 2 hours per week oriented to develop cognitive· behavioral strategíes and lo diminish social anxiety. Results: The EG experieneed significant ehanges in self repon questionnaries whereas neither CG 1 nor CG 2 showed such ehanges. Behavioral assessment and GSR were unable to discriminate the ehanges evideneed by self-report questionnaries in the EG. These resulta ahow some diffieulties of behavioral assessment, However, the resulta of self report tests and the qua- Iitative analysís of data show the effieaey of treatment
关键词:assertivenesa training; University students; behavioral asaessment; Chile