其他摘要:A series of studíes were conducted in order to develop and psychometrically validate a semantic diffcrential format multidimensional eelfconcept inventory. A total of 2.626 subjects of both sexes from bigh echoola and Universities in México City participated in the several ltages of tbe project. In the first study, brain storming with students waa used to arrive at a set of dimensiona that deacribed their self-concept. In a second study, lists of adjectives were giv.en by the studenta to describe each self-concept dimenaion; from these, the most frequent adjectives were extracted, their antonymes were identifíed and they were set on 7 space semantic differencial bipolar continuums, In the final two studies, the inventory was applied, and discrimination analysis was carried out to elímínate non discriminating items; and factor analysis waa conducted to test for the existence of the conceptual dimensions defined in atudy one, In this process, the original four dimensiona (social. emotional, ethic, and ocupational) were divided into severa! subdimensioDI The internal eonsisteney (Cronbach Alpha) of the resulting scales was as follows: afiliative socíabílity (a= .85), expresive sociability (a= .85), social aceesibility (a=.65) , emotional moods (a= .86), ínterindividual emotions (a=.81), emotional health (a= .76), ocupational (a = .SO) and ethical (a = .77)