出版社:Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
摘要:El abordaje del tema de la sexualidad en la prensa impresa cubana requiere del establecimiento de pautas teóricas, conceptuales y metodológicas que articulen las peculiaridades de los receptores adolescentes y jóvenes con la construcción de las agendas. Pautas que sirvan de referente para el diseño de estrategias periodísticas, fundamentadas por la teoría y los resultados investigativos de la recepción que hacen de los espacios de sexualidad estos segmentos de público y el modo en que todo ello se articula con la construcción de mensajes de sexualidad. Se trata de buscar referentes que permitan arrojar luz sobre los procederes, pues los que se encuentran son fragmentados, imprecisos y reiterativos.
其他摘要:The approach to the topic of sexuality in the Cuban printed press needs of the establishment of theoretical, conceptual and methodological premises that articulate the peculiarities of adolescent and young with the construction of the agendas. Premises that serve as reference for the design of journalistic strategies informed by theory and research results of reception that sexuality spaces make these segments of public and the way all this is articulated with the construction of sexuality messages. It's finding relating to shed light on the procedures, because those who are fragmented, vague and repetitive. The development of participatory journalism strategies for media printed more departing from the source, the position of the subject journalist or editor is necessary and how this influences the agenda, as is its relationship with the public, information policy, sources and other persons involved in the production cycle, which influence the content of the messages that are issued. A strategy that not only position at the same level transmitters and receivers, but also splitting of the latter, which claimed the role of the public in the communicative process.
关键词:Estrategia periodística; sexualidad; medios de comunicación; recepción; construcción de mensajes;Journalistic strategies; sexuality; media; reception; construction of messages