摘要:Objetiva-se conhecer as redes de significados (redes semânticas) do conceito de Ambientalista. Participaram 325 universitários das ciências humanas (49%), tecnológicas (29%) e biológicas (22%). Desse total, 182 sujeitos (56%) eram do sexo masculino e 143 (44%) do sexo feminino. A faixa etária variou de 17 a 49 anos (M = 24 anos, DP = 5,73). Utilizou-se um instrumento com a palavra-estímulo "Ambientalista" e dados sociodemográficos, para o qual os estudantes deveriam eleger 10 palavras associadas. Os dados foram analisados pela técnica de redes semânticas. Para os universitários, os ambientalistas foram definidos majoritariamente como "defensores" (distância semântica quantitativa = 100%), "ativistas" (80%) e "preservadores" (77%). Palavras de conotação negativa utilizadas foram "radicais" (73%), "chatos" (61%) e "utópicos" (61%). A compreensão de como esses atores sociais são percebidos pela sociedade pode contribuir para redirecionar ações e estratégias do terceiro setor ou de indivíduos ou grupos ambientalistas, como também ampliar sua eficácia junto à opinião pública.
其他摘要:The objective of this study is to evaluate the semantic concepts of the term Environmentalist, according to university students. 325 university students, male and female, took part in the investigation regarding the concept. They attended different courses at university, in areas such as Human Science (49%), Technological (29%) and Biological (22%) area. Out of that total, 182 subjects (56%) were male and 143 (44%) belonged to the female sex. The average age was from 17 to 49 years old (M = 24 years old, DP = 5,73). An instrument with the stimulation-word environmentalists, and also social-demographic data, were used, so that the students could choose 10 words associated to the term. Data was analyzed by using the semantic chain technique. Most of the students, defined Environmentalists as defenders (quantitative semantic distance = 100%), whereas others defined them as activists (80%) and protectors (77%). Adjectives with negative connotation such as radical (73%), boring (61%) and utopian (61%) were also used. The comprehension about the way those social actors are perceived by society may contribute to redirect actions and strategies from the third sector, from environmentalist groups or individuals, as well as to extend or get a better public opinion on Environmentalists effectiveness.
关键词:ambientalistas; redes de significados; percepção social Environmentalists; chain of semantic meaning; social perception ambientalistas; redes de significados...