标题:CARACTERÍSTICAS Y RIESGO DE LAS PERSONAS CON DIABETES Y EPOC REGISTRADOS EN LAS EMPRESAS SOCIALES DEL ESTADO de la red pública del departamento de Risaralda, durante el período comprendido entre el primero de julio 2002 al 30 de junio del 2005
摘要:La Diabetes Mellitus y la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, EPOC, hacen parte de las patologías que clásicamente se han definido como degenerativas y crónicas. La mortalidad en Risaralda reporta la EPOC sistemáticamente entre las tres primeras causas de defunción en la serie desde 1997. La tendencia es al descenso y aunque que la mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus parece tener una tendencia al descenso, en el último año presenta alza en las tasas de mortalidad. A pesar que existe un sistema de información de morbilidad y mortalidad para la Secretaría Departamental de Salud de Risaralda, no son suficientes las políticas de promoción de la salud con la información reportada por los certificados de defunción, al punto que actualmente se desconocen las características de los factores de riesgo de las personas con diagnóstico de DIABETES y/o EPOC, registrados en las Empresas Sociales del Estado de la red pública del departamento Risaralda.
其他摘要:The diabetes Mellitus and the obstructive chronic lung disease, EPOC (OCLD), are part of the pathologies that have been classically defined as degenerative and chronic. The mortality in Risaralda reports the OCLD as being systematically among the first three causes of demise in the series since 1997. The tendency is towards the descent, while the mortality due to Diabetes Mellitus seems to have a trend towards the descent, it has presented an increase in the mortality rate during the past year. Even though there is an information system of sicknesses and mortality in the Departmental Secretary of Health of Risaralda, the orientation of promotional health policies is not enough with the information reported by the death certificates, to the point that currently the risk factors of the characteristic people diagnosed with DIABETES and/or EPOC (OCLD) are not know. People registered in the social enterprises of the state in the public net of the state of Risaralda. Methodology This is a descriptive study, based on the individual records of services rendered RIPS (IRRS) that uses the following instruments as a source: Record of physical activity through the IPAC, cardiovascular risk, cardio- respiratory evaluation, the global recollection of the food of the previous day. A second quality control was carried out with the previously evaluated field records. The data base was created in Epiinfo. The results of the survey related to the nutritional analysis by means of the 24 hour remembrances and frequency of consumption, show, for individuals with Diabetes Mellitus, an average consumption of calories of 1.268 K/cal/day an extremely low register that places the contribution of consumed calories in a percentage of 43.1 in severe deficiency; of 41.6 moderate and of 12.4 in trivial deficiency. Note that neither normal caloric consumption nor excess consumption is reported. For people with EPOC (OCLD), the average of caloric consumption is positioned in 1274 K/cal/day, an equally low register that places the contribution of consumed calories at 39.0% in severe deficiency; 44.7% moderate and 10.6% slight deficiency. The caloric normality as well as the caloric excess does not present consumption.
关键词:Prevalencia de diabetes; EPOC; análisis del consumo de alimentos;Prevalence of diabetes; EPOC (OCLD); consumption analysis of food