摘要:O objetivo do estudo foi verificar se o jovem que nao contou com a presenca do pai durante seu desenvolvimento elegeu alguma figura substituta e se a ausencia paterna trouxe implicacoes em sua escolha profissional. Utilizou.se o desenho.estoria com tema e entrevista semidirigida, com 12 universitarios, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 25 anos. Metade da amostra nao conviveu com o pai/padrasto durante a infancia e/ou adolescencia (grupo 1), e metade contou com sua presenca (grupo 2). Em ambos os grupos, os fatores determinantes na decisao foram o proprio interesse/desejo, retorno financeiro e campo de trabalho. Metade da amostra do grupo 1 elegeu alguma figura substituta; na outra metade, em que isso nao ocorreu, houve a influencia da figura materna na escolha profissional. Ha indicios de que, diante da ausencia paterna e na falta de uma figura substituta, a figura materna passa a ocupar um espaco significativo nesse cenario.
其他摘要:The objective of the research was to verify if the young who did not count on the father's presence during his development choose some substitute figure and if his absence caused implications in his professional choice. Was applied the Drawing.Story with subject and a semi.directed interview, with twelve university students, both sexes, between 18 and 25 years. Half of the sample didn't live with the father/stepfather in childhood and/or adolescence (group 1), the half was by his presence (group 2). In both groups, were determining factors in deciding his own interest/desire, returns, and field work. Half of the group 1 choose a substitute figure, the other half, it did not occur, there was the influence of the maternal figure in career choice. There are indications that in face of father and a surrogate figure absences, the mother assumes a significant place in this scenario.