期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Pablo Alvarez , Héctor Reyes Departamento de Agronomía Universidad de La Serena Avenida La Paz 1108 Ovalle Región de Coquimbo Chile Key words: arid mountain, Chili, irrigation, fruit cropping, water rights, agricultura, Chile, derechos de agua, fruticultura, montaña árida DOI : 10.1684/sec.2011.0319 Page(s) : 267-74 Published in: 2011 The basin of the Limarí river in Chile shows an astonishing increase of irrigated areas, higher and higher up the arid slopes. This progress raises the question of the limiting factors of sustainable agriculture in a very artificialized context: nature is transformed, along with local economic and social conditions. This paper describes some of the historical, technical, economical and social factors which render possible and enhance such spectacular transformations of the landscape and of the cropping systems. On the subject of natural environment, soils, air temperatures and water availability are discussed. On the subject of social environment, regulations and rights pertaining to water distribution and non-gravitational energy are exposed.
关键词:arid mountain; Chili; irrigation; fruit cropping; water rights; agricultura; Chile; derechos de agua; fruticultura; montaña árida