期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Author Azzedine Mebarki Université Mentouri de Constantine Faculté des sciences de la terre, de géographie et d'aménagement du territoire Route d'Ain El Bey 25000 Constantine Algérie Key words: Algeria, mapping, modeling, water balance DOI : 10.1684/sec.2010.0265 Page(s) : 301-8 Published in: 2010 Eastern Algeria with a highly contrasted semi-arid climate is drained by two opposed hydrographic systems from north to south: tributary watersheds of the Mediterranean Sea and wadis connected to closed drainage basins. The hydrological data from 33 ANRH stations shows the extreme spatial variety of the specific discharges (0.32 - 16.1 L/s/km 2) caused by the decisive role of the climate, particularly that of rainfall. Watershed hydrologic balance is studied on a regular grid of 2x2 km taking into account the spatial values of the available hydro-climatologic information. At a first approach, rainfall data was indexed on an average annual scale and from the best rain-relief regression combined with the kriging of a residues field. Mapping of the flow deficit was directly obtained by computing Turc's ETR. This leads to a possible mapping of the surface runoff, third term of a watershed pluri-annual water balance. At a second step, in order to assess the surface runoff values month by month, the global model with “LOIEAU” reservoirs (derived from GR2M) is used as a distributed model in the Algerian context and is supplied with a data base of monthly rainfall and potential evapotranspiration (ETP). For both methods, the close relationship obtained between the estimated surface flows and the measured ones shows the reliability of mapping when it is used as a tool to evaluate surface water resources in space. Runoff varies from 5 mm per year on the High Plains and Sahara piedmont to 500—1,000 mm over the rainiest massifs of the Tell maritime.