标题:Identification of flood zones in the estuary and the lower valley of the Senegal River: A cartographic approach using remote sensing and isotopic geochemistry
期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Moctar Diaw , Aliou Mamadou Dia , Serigne Faye , Abdoulaye Faye , Jean Paul Rudant , Soulèye Wade Ucad Département de géologie Faculté des sciences et techniques BP 5005 Dakar Sénégal, LTA (Laboratoire de télédetection appliquée) IST (Institut des Sciences de la terre) Département de géographie Faculté des scienses humaines et linguistiques Dakar Sénégal, Laboratoire G2I Institut francilien des sciences Université de Marne-la-Vallée 5, boulevard Descartes 77454 Marne la Vallée cedex France Key words: cartography, flood, isotopic hydrology, remote sensing, Senegal River DOI : 10.1684/sec.2010.0239 Page(s) : 105-14 Published in: 2010 The purpose of this study is to characterise the flooding zone in the lower valley of the Senegal River and to thus contribute to the prevention and monitoring of this natural disaster in the Northern part of the country. This paper explores a new tool which uses remote sensing and isotope hydrology in investigating flooding. It examines flooding in the lower valley of the Senegal River, using essentially remote-sensing signal distribution and isotopic data, which characterize different water masses in the area of study. The spatialization of information drawn from the isotopic data makes it possible to define replenishment patterns of the alluvial aquifer, flow regime and hydrodynamism of the system. The cartographic documents generated using these complementary approaches can be used as tools for decision-making concerning land occupation in the region in order to manage flooding in the estuary and the lower valley of the Senegal River.
关键词:cartography; flood; isotopic hydrology; remote sensing; Senegal River