期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Authors Abdallah Benalaya , François de Troch École supérieure d’agriculture de Mograne, 1121 Mograne, Tunisie, Faculté des sciences agronomiques de Gand, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gand, Belgique Page(s) : 123-7 Published in: 1997 Four historical series of 10-day values for wheat irrigation water needs were established from recorded rainfall and evapotranspiration. These series concern Tunis, Teboulba, Kasserine and Gabes stations. They correspond to observation periods of 20, 5, 10 and 9 years, respectively. They were automatically adjusted by combined autoregressive-autoregressive (ARAR) models. The identified models were used later to predict 10-day water needs of wheat crops. Short-term forecast results differed from observed values by 12 mm on average. Long-term forecasts were much more accurate.