期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Authors Christian Puech , Jacques Lavabre , Claude Martin CEMAGREF-ENGREF Laboratoire Commun de Télédétection Domaine de Lavalette, BP 5095 34033 Montpellier Cedex, France, CEMAGREF Division HIAX BP 31, Le Tholonet 13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France, CNRS-URA 903 Laboratoire de Géographie Physique 23, avenue Robert-Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France. Page(s) : 175-81 Published in: 1991 After the forest fire that swept accross the massif des Maures a few months ago, this article assesses the drastic changes to the hydrological cycle and physico-chemical erosion processes. The hydrological cycle was affected by two types of disturbance: a) increase or runoff and formation or very sudden floods with extremely high peaks; and b) mechanical erosion: relatively non-existent before the fire, it is now extremely active, with very violent discharge of solids.