期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Authors Jean-Olivier Job , Habib Ben Moussa , Abderrazek Belghith , Amor Mtimet ORSTOM, BP 434, 1004-El Menzah I, Tunisie, CNT, BP 200, 1080 Tunis Cedex, Tunisie, Ministère de l’Agriculture Direction des sols, Tunis, Tunisie Page(s) : 153-8 Published in: 1993 Many oases bordering the northern part of the Sahara are located close to very steep mountains. In arid Mediterranean climates, this position favours heavy flooding caused by ouadis. The case of El Guettar oasis is typical. During the heavy rains of 23-24 January 1990, oued El Mellah, usually dry, was filled by a rushing stream coming down from neighbouring mountains. Its course was diverted to chott El Guettar causing topographical modifications. As a result, the spatial distribution of soil salinity was modified. This process is explained. In order to evaluate the damage caused to palm-trees submerged by saline water, two views taken by remote sensing with SPOT satellite at different dates are compared and discussed.