期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Authors Mohamed Hachicha , Fathi Bouksila , Khemaies Zayani , Ali Mhiri Direction des Sols, rue Hédi-Karray, Ariana, Tunisie, Institut national agronomique de Tunisie, 43, avenue Charles-Nicolle, 1082 Tunis, Tunisie Page(s) : 209-15 Published in: 1996 The variability of saturated permeability of alluvial soils was undertaken by three methods: Müntz, Porchet, and Reynolds. In its morpho-pedo-climatic context, the success of the irrigation on Kalaât Landelous perimeter is conditionned by hydrodynamics properties. The up-graded soils risk to evolve in different directions and with different speeds. The effect of the soil surface state is particuliary important on the Müntz permeability where the water is applied on the soil surface. The permeabilities estimated by Porchet and Reynolds methods are very affected by the uniformity of texture and moisture. The ploughing allows to improve infiltration but its effect is short-lived. The significant correlations between soil permeability and its content of clay, its bulk density and its sodicity allow to conclude that the improvement of hydrodynamic properties of such soils may be realised by increasing its efficient porosity.