期刊名称:Revue de Neuropsychologie Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Author Emmanuel J. Barbeau Université de Toulouse ; UPS, Centre de recherche cerveau et cognition ; CNRS, CerCo, Toulouse Key words: memory, long-term, amnesia, memory disorders DOI : 10.1684/nrp.2011.0172 Page(s) : 104-11 Published in: 2011 Here, we present two models of declarative memory: the model of declarative memory put forward by Mishkin following his studies in the animal and on developmental amnesia ; and the hierarchical-representational model recently proposed by Murray and Bussey. Mishkin's model is an anatomo-functional model in that it posits that the different structures of the medial temporal lobes play different roles in declarative memory. Following this view, the hippocampus is critical for context-rich memory, such as episodic or spatial memory, whereas the perirhinal cortex is important for context-free memory, such as semantic or single-item memory as well as familiarity-based recognition. In this model, isolated lesions of the hippocampus could lead to amnesia (impaired context-rich memory), while leaving context-free memory relatively intact. The representational-hierarchical view of amnesia on the other hand gives up the strong relationship between declarative memory and medial temporal lobe structures that most other models posit. In this approach, medial temporal lobe structures are not viewed as forming a single system, but rather as belonging to two different systems: the hippocampus to the dorsal stream and the perirhinal cortex to the ventral stream. Therefore, the hippocampus and the perirhinal cortex are supposed to process representations based on a high level of feature conjunction (descriptive of scenes for the hippocampus and of objects for the perirhinal cortex). A consequence of such approach is that these structures would not be involved only in declarative memory but in any task, visuo-perceptive for example, requiring these complex representations. A growing number of studies have supported this view in recent years.