期刊名称:Revue de Neuropsychologie Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Authors Pascale Pradat-Diehl , Frédérique Poncet , Hélène Migeot , Chantal Taillefer Service de médecine physique et de réadaptation, UPMC ER 06, Groupe hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France Key words: anosognosia, apraxia, neglect DOI : 10.1684/nrp.2010.0088 Page(s) : 231-4 Published in: 2010 Patients with disorders of body representation may have disabilities in daily life activities. After right hemispheric stroke, anosognosia and neglect have predictive value on poor functional outcome and on discharge to home. A right hemispheric stroke is a significant risk factor for falling, and anosognosia and neglect can be associated to this risk. In daily life, body neglect is frequent with neglect of left limbs, neglect in dressing, but also buccal hemineglect. Apraxia for tool use after left hemispheric stroke and dressing apraxia, after right hemispheric stroke, cause disability in daily life activities.