摘要:Figures Authors O. Maurin 1 * S. de Régoix 2 E. Legonidec 3 J.P. Tourtier 1 É. Kaiser 4 1 Brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris, 1 place Jules-Renard, 75017 Paris 2 Service médical d’unité. 1er régiment des hussards parachutistes, Tarbes 3 Service d’accueil des urgences de Djibouti, hôpital médico-chirurgical Bouffard, Djibouti 4 Service de réanimation, hôpital d’instruction des armées Sainte-Anne, Toulon * Correspondance Key words: intraosseous infusion, epinephrine, leg ischemia, extravasation DOI : 10.1684/mst.2014.0328 Page(s) : 214-6 Published in: 2014 Intraosseous infusion is increasingly used as an alternative to intravenous infusion. It is recommended for the cardiac arrest of a child in the first instance and after two failed attempts of intravenous infusion in the cardiac arrest of adults. Its rapid use and its low failure rate justify its use in all life-threatening emergencies. It can be used to administer the same treatments as intravenous infusion. It does, nonetheless, present some rare complications, such as acute leg ischemia by extravasation of epinephrine, as we report here. Awareness of these complications is necessary to ensure compliance with the rules of placing this type of infusion.
关键词:intraosseous infusion; epinephrine; leg ischemia; extravasation