摘要:Authors J. Potet , M. Casenghi , G. Charitha , Y. Mueller , J.F. Etard , É. Comte Key words: Buruli ulcers, Mycobacterium ulcerans, access, research, Cameroon DOI : 10.1684/mst.2013.0215 Page(s) : 227-8 Published in: 2013 Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) has developed an advocacy agenda in Cameroon to better meet its patients’ needs and to simplify control of Buruli ulcers. This agenda is based on 4 priorities: diagnostic (development of a clinical score), chemotherapeutic (to envision drug administration at home, without daily hospital visits), dressings, and HIV coinfection. These priority objectives should make it possible to reduce the duration of hospitalization and limit the need for surgery.