摘要:Authors David Breton , Alain Cazoulat , Sandra Bohand , Pierre Laroche , Jean-Ulrich Mullot Service de protection radiologique des armées 1 bis, rue du Lieutenant-Raoul-Batany 92140 Clamart France, Base navale de Toulon Laboratoire d’analyses de surveillance et d’expertise de la marine de Toulon BP 61 83800 Toulon cedex 9 France Key words: Afghanistan, health risks, military personnel, particulate matter, public health DOI : 10.1684/ers.2012.0578 Page(s) : 502-10 Published in: 2012 Since 2001 and the end of the Taliban regime, Afghanistan has become the site of vast military operations aimed at ensuring the country's stability. International armed forces including 130,000 soldiers are deployed there, in a particularly hostile environment. An estimation/prioritization of health risks related to the environment was conducted to improve knowledge of the field of operations, anticipate potential health impacts, and advise the command chain about these risks. We first identified chemical and biological hazards. The study of exposure showed that inhalation is the principal route of contamination. Other routes are either minor (skin contact) or under control (ingestion). A semi-quantitative risk assessment was performed according to US military guidelines that fully describe the methodology to be used for such assessments for deployed military personnel, when a directly transposable civilian framework is not available. For each hazard, severity and probability were calculated separately. These were then combined to estimate the operational risk of the field exposure (low to extremely high). Results showed that the highest risk is associated with particles. The risks of other relevant hazards (biological and chemical) appear low or moderate. A complementary study should be conducted to enhance qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the particles present in Afghanistan.
关键词:Afghanistan; health risks; military personnel; particulate matter; public health