摘要:Author Danielle Salomon Risques & Intelligence 33 bis, rue Henri Barbusse 75005 Paris Key words: behavior and behavior mechanisms, environmental health, group structure, social adaptation, social identification DOI : 10.1684/ers.2009.0252 Page(s) : 245-51 Published in: 2009 Two sociological studies were conducted for the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Institut de veille sanitaire, InVS) about the health concerns of Champlan’s inhabitants. This first study explored the background of the emergence of these concerns and their access to the public agenda, examining the role of the institutional, political, social, and local contexts. The political emergence of the topic is paradoxically a product of this specific context, while the agenda setting and the constitution of the scientific committee, made up of experts from various agencies, were possible only because Champlan could be extracted from its local context to become a symbol of similar situations elsewhere in France.
关键词:behavior and behavior mechanisms; environmental health; group structure; social adaptation; social identification