摘要:The chains priorization was realized with the chain priorization methodology propose by the International for Service National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) and mentioned by Espinosa et al., 2009, this methodology has its foundations in two main dimensions the socioeconomic importance and the competitiveness, each of these is subdivided as well in diverse variables. The total of cultures in the Estado de Mexico and according to their production value obtained through SIACON 1980-2007 and SIAP-SAGARPA 1996-2010, 12 chains were selected: grain maize, crisantemo, grass, rose, potato, fodder oats, red tomato (tomato), green tomato, carnation, tuna, green alfalfa and fodder maize. To priorization and as a result of the obtained variables qualifications, the most relevant chains were grain maize, chrysants, potato and rose with 102, 91, 91, and 90 points respectively.