The purpose of this study was to compare the beverage consumption by gender and season in elementary school children and to investigate the role of beverage consumption patterns on their daily nutrient intakes and BMIs. Beverage consumption and dietary energy intake in 160 elementary school students in the Gyeongnam area were measured by a beverage frequency and quantity questionnaire and three 24-hour dietary recalls during winter and summer. The number of drinking moments per month, the amounts of beverage per day, and the energy from beverage consumption were not different between winter and summer. In summer, the contribution of energy from sweetened beverage to the daily energy intake in girls accounted for 13.5% which was significantly higher compared to 7.7% in boys. In girls, the consumption of health beverage showed a significant correlation with various nutrient intakes in winter. Meanwhile, the sweetened beverage intake was negatively correlated with energy, protein, vitamin A and niacin intake in summer. Consumption of most of the beverages, including sweetened beverages, were not related with BMI in both sexes and both seasons, except functional drinks which were related with BMI in boys in winter.