To investigate the perception of 3-dimensional (3D) image after successful exotropia surgery and compare with Titmus stereo test.
MethodsA total of 23 children who underwent surgery for intermittent exotropia and 28 normal children were evaluated with a 3D laptop computer and Titmus stereo test.
ResultsThe mean minimal 3D scene depth level was 38.26 ± 19.69 in the exotropia group and 33.21 ± 16.11 in the normal group with no significant difference ( p = 0.319). The mean stereoacuity was 60.97 ± 34.23 arc sec in the exotropia group and 76.69 ± 93.81 arc sec in the normal group with no significant difference ( p = 0.444). The mean minimal 3D scene depth and mean stereoacuity showed statistically significant positive correlation in both the exotropia group ( p = 0.024) and normal group ( p = 0.026).
ConclusionsAfter a successful exotropia surgery, patients can normally perceive 3D images. Better 3D image perception can be predicted if a previously established stereo test shows good results.