To investigate the efficacy of fibrin glue for conjunctival closure in vitrectomy.
MethodsTwo hundred five eyes of 200 patients who underwent conjunctival closure for vitrectomy with a minimum follow-up period of six months were evlauated. Postopertive pain, foreign body sensation, tearing, subconjunctival hemorrhage, surgery time and complication were evaluated prospectively in 105 eyes of 100 patients undergoing surgery with fibrin glue, and in 100 eyes of 100 patients undergoing surgery with sutures.
ResultsOne day postoperatively, pain scores ( p < 0.05), foreign body sensation ( p < 0.05), tearing ( p < 0.05), and subconjunctival hemorrhage ( p < 0.05) were significantly lower in the fibrin glue group than in the suture group. One week postoperatively, the scores of foreign body sensation ( p < 0.05), tearing ( p < 0.05), subconjunctival hemorrhage ( p < 0.05) were significantly lower in the fibrin glue group than in the suture group. The mean surgery time in the fibrin glue group (2.2±0.5 minutes) was significantly shorter than that in the sutures group (7.4±0.6 minutes) ( p < 0.05).
ConclusionsThe Use of fibrin glue for conjunctival closure in vitrectomy can reduce postoperative discomfort and surgical time. It is especially useful for a second operation or for cases with a thin, atrophic conjunctiva.