Since 1920, when Harvey Cushing first used radiofrequency in electrosurgery, the procedural technique has developed rapidly. Even though this procedure is minimally invasive and safer than other neurodestructive procedures, it is still not free of complications. A 72-year-old female patient had constant facial pain, despite several operations and radiotherapies for her maxillary cancer. The region innervated ophthalmic branch and maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve was involved, with radiofrequency procedure of the gasserian ganglion for pain control also performed at the area. After the procedure, her blood pressure became elevated and she complained of a headache, and six hours later, she became irritable and distracted. Bacterial meningitis was diagnosed by a spinal tap, with third-generation cephalosporin administered as the treatment. The following day, her symptoms had improved and the pain was also reduced. She was discharged from hospital after 14 days, without any sequelae.