摘要:This study proposes hybrid techniques which are based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for data preprocessing and Fuzzy Extreme Learning Machine (FELM) classifier for an automatic detection of the Erythemato-Squamous Diseases (ESD). This ESDs require huge computational efforts to predict the diseases because almost all the six ESD diseases namely, psoriasis, lichen planus, seboreic dermatitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, chronic dermatitis and pityriasis rosea have common features for more than 90%. In the recent survey it has been highlighted that, there are many machine learning algorithms performing better than the conventional techniques. In this study, we propose threshold based ABC-FELM algorithm which is used for both future extraction as well as the classifier to enhance the accuracy of the prediction of ESDs and computational time. Moreover, this hybrid mechanism is implemented and tested with 366 original patients datasets. The threshold based data preprocessing reduces the dimensionality of the datasets considerably and hence it improves the time complexity. Finally, the proposed methodologies proved to be a potential solution for the diagnosis of ESD with significant improvement in computational time, namely less than 1 second and the accuracy (99.57%) compared to other models discussed in the recent literature.