摘要:Investigation of the effect of flowing mud volcano lava to the aquatic life in the river using study case of LUSI mud in Indonesia had been conducted by in-situ biomonitoring including measurement of biological response of caged fish and river body quality. Fishes were caged in the downstream sections of the mud effluent and control cage was placed at the upstream section. Similar hierarchy of metal found in the effluent, water and sediment i.e., Al>Fe> Pb>Mn>Cu>Zn>Cr>Cd. Concentrations of Total Suspended Solid (TSS), total aluminum, total iron and lead at the downstream effluent site which showed maximum values of ([TSS = 4177] [Al = 23.70] [Fe = 6.97] [Pb = 1.27] mg L-1) were significantly higher than that of the upstream control ([TSS = 381] [Al = 4.30] [Fe = 1.38] [Pb = 0.38] mg L-1). Excluding lead in the downstream sites (153 mg kg-1), all sediment levels were found to be below the possible effect level. Metal levels in fish bodies from the downstream sites showed higher level than control, with maximum level observed in aluminum species, 377.9 mg kg-1. Fishes which were exposed in the downstream sampling sites showed low survival rate value of 10-0% with survival period of = 21 days, gill alteration in a level of irreparable lesion with Histopathologic Alteration Index (HAI) value of 121-233 while the fishes in the control cage had a survival rate of 93-66% for 28 days and normal state of gills with HAI value of 0.0-0.3. Mainly by increasing colloidal aluminum LUSI mud volcano lava into the river results in adverse effect on the downstream water quality and fish life.