摘要:The present study investigate that the Stress Management by Development of Emotional Intelligence with reference to CMTS, BSNL, Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle. Stress is a process in which environmental demands tax or exceeds the adaptive capacity of an organism resulting in psychological and biological changes that may place persons at risk for disease. The responses to stress management items indicate an individuals tolerance to stress and impulse control. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor ones own and others emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide ones thinking and actions. The study comprises the managing Stress by using behaviour interventions. To examine the level of EQ using by Baron's Emotional Quotient Inventory Scale among BSNL executives. This has 15 subscales. The sample size was restricted to 93 executives in a respective group are included male and female and their age group is 25 to 56 years. The 15 subscales included self-regard, emotional self awareness, assertiveness, independence, self-actualization, empathy, social-responsibility, inter-personal relationship, stress-tolerance, impulse-control, reality-testing, flexibility, problem-solving, optimism and happiness. The respective group was administered the behavioural interventions for post test. The interventions included anger relaxation technique, genital muscle relaxation technique, slow-deep breathing exercise, Bensons relaxation response, simplified kundalini yoga, laughter technique and reduction of breathing rate. The respective group in the after intervention was found to be higher in stress management skills, emotional intelligence and reduced stress level than respective group before intervention the reason being that respective group post test got the benefit from behavioural intervention.