摘要:Cloud computing is a new era in internet technologies that aims to store information on servers and this information will be provided as service based on on-demand to the clients. Cloud computing technology basically is a way of offering business infrastructure as a service. In other words, integration initiatives based on cloud computing has the chance to provide the user with an immediate results, as they do not use a time-consuming infrastructure build-up process. The most important feature that the cloud computing offering is the consumers are charged per use thus they don't need major software and hardware investments upfront. The cloud services or web-based software systems that are provided by cloud computing technology have great impact not only on decentralizing the business model but these systems take the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its communications to more than the desired level which has effective and tangible impact on sales and marketing initiatives. This study presents the cloud computing structure, benefits and challenges and the impact of cloud solutions on business.