摘要:A discussion about a review on Employees Emotions in workplace has received relatively little attention from organizational behaviour researchers. The first of the themes to be addressed concerns the relationship between emotion and rationality. There has been a longstanding bifurcation between the two with emotions labelled in pejorative terms and devalued in matters concerning the workplace. The next theme to be explored centres around the theoretical grounding of emotion. Emotion is often described either in psychological terms as an individualized, intrapersonal response to some stimulus, or by contrast, a socially constituted phenomenon, depending upon the disciplinary perspective one adopts. This body of research has examined how organizations, as powerful culture eating institutions, have applied normative expectations and established boundaries for the acceptable expression of emotion among employees through tactics such as applicant screening and selection measures, employee training, off-the-job socialization opportunities, organizational rewards and the creation of rituals, ideologies and other symbols for indoctrinating the newly hired into the culture of the organization.