标题:Ground Prosopis juliflora Pods as Feed Ingredient in Poultry Diet: Effects on Nutrient Intake, Muscle Fatty Acid Composition, Sensory Quality and Hematology of Broilers
摘要:Three hundred and ninety six Hubbard Classic commercial day old chicks were used to determine the effect of Ground Prosopis juliflora Pods (GPJP) inclusion in broilers ration at levels of 0 (T1), 10 (T2), 20 (T3) and 30% (T4) on chemical and fatty acid composition, meat sensory quality and hematological status of birds. The birds were fed with the rations for 45 days. The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, each replicated three times with 33 birds per replicate. Data of feed intake was recorded every day. The amount of nutrients consumed was determined as the difference between nutrients offered and refused on Dry Matter (DM) basis. At the end of the experiment, four randomly selected birds from each replicate (12 per treatment) were slaughtered by severing jugular vein and free flow of blood was collected into labeled sterile universal bottles. The birds were dressed by hand, carcass parts dissected, individually weighed and breast and thigh muscles were deboned and kept in refrigerator at -20°C for determination of chemical and fatty acid s composition and evaluation of sensory characteristics. Intakes of DM in finisher, crude protein during starter and finisher, crude fiber in starter and finisher, ether extract during starter, ash intake during starter and finisher phases were significantly different (p<0.05) among the treatments. Except crude fiber intake, which increased with increasing level of GPJP, the intake of the other nutrients decreased as the inclusion level of GPJP increased. There was no adverse effect of feeding GPJP on the chemical and fatty acid composition and sensory characteristics of breast and thigh meat of broiler. Monocyte percentage of broilers was significantly higher in treatment consumed ration containing the highest GPJP as compared to the control and other treatment groups (p<0.05). Other Hematological parameters were not influenced by the levels of GPJP in the ration (p>0.05). Intestine of birds at higher level of inclusion (30% GPJP) showed minor lesions, which could be attributed to coccidiosis infection encountered during the experiment. This study indicated that up to 30% inclusion of GPJP in broiler diet did not altered chemical and fatty acid composition and sensory test of meat, but there is evidence that the highest level impaired immune response of animals to parasitic infection.