出版社:International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System
摘要:In this study we aimed to investigate the frequency of the burnout syndrome among the nursing personnel of all rungs. The present study is descriptive with synchronical comparisons and cross-correlations. The research was conducted in a Regional University Hospital. Subjects: The questionnaire was distributed to 150 RNs and NAs and the response rate was 42,6% (N=64). Main outcome measure is the determination of the burnout levels of nurses employed in a major Regional University hospital and the correlation of factors of burnout level with demographic and job related factors. Results: Generally occupational burnout appears to be in moderate levels. 9,37% of the sample experienced a high degree of burnout while 6,24% experienced low degree. 34,38% of the sample experienced low emotional exhaustion, 20,31% moderate and 45,31% high. 37,5% of the sample experienced low personal accomplish- ments, 28,13% moderate, 34,38% high. 26,54% of the sample experienced low depersonalization, 32,81% moderate, 40,63% high. Emotional exhaustion correlates significantly with working a rotation shift (p=0,05). Emotional exhaustion cor- relates significantly with resignation from hospital (p=0,002). Depersonalization correlates signifi- cantly with the multidisciplinary cooperation (p=0,05). The factors of burnout were examined in combination with the qualitative characteristics, as sex, the marital status, the level of education, with ?2 and in combination with the quantitative demo- graphic characteristics as the age, the weight, the height, the number of children; with ANOVA one way and it did not find to relate themselves consi- derably.