Moral reasoning and acting are in this paper considered as a part of integrity. The authors define philosophical and psychological concepts of integrity and present diverse ways of integrity testing. An important part of the work is critical polemic dedicated to some selected shortcomings of this approach, the overall results of integrity studies, predictive validity in this area. Furthermore, the authors acquainted with the results of studies related to moral reasoning and moral conduct commenting on some Czech experiments relating to this issue. Due to obsolescence only one local test created by Czech psychologist Jarmila Kotásková, it is recommended to focus on the creation of entirely new methods. They believe that measuring levels of moral reasoning and action may be in some areas of psychology beneficial component that extends the traditional areas of inquiry such as personality variables, cognitive function and social support. For decision-making at the individual level (e.g. in the selection process), it would be too presumptuous to say that the psychologist has valid data to predict moral reasoning and behavior in specific cases, like the risk of corruption.