期刊名称:International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP)
出版社:Computer Science Journals
摘要:A special image restoration problem is the reconstruction of image from projections - a problem of immense importance in medical imaging, computed tomography and non-destructive testing of objects. This is a problem where a two - dimensional (or higher) object is reconstructed from several one -dimensional projections [1]. The reconstruction techniques are broadly classified into three categories, analytical, iterative, and statistical [2]. The comparative study among these is of great importance in the field of medical imaging. This paper aims at comparative study by analyzing quantitatively the quality of image reconstructed by analytical and iterative techniques. Projections (parallel beam type) for the reconstruction are calculated analytically by defining Shepp logan phantom head model with coverage angle ranging from 0 to ±180o with rotational increment of 2o to 10o. For iterative reconstruction coverage angle of ±90o, iteration up to 10 is used. The original image is grayscale image of size 128 X 128. The Image quality of the reconstructed image is measured by six quality measurement parameters. In this paper as analytical technique; simple back projection and filtered back projection are implemented, while as iterative; algebraic reconstruction technique is implemented. Experiment result reveals that quality of reconstructed image increase as coverage angle, and number of views increases. The processing time is one major deciding component for reconstruction. Keywords: Reconstruction algorithm, Simple-Back projection algorithm (SBP), Filter-Back projection algorithm (FBP), Algebraic Reconstruction Technique algorithm (ART), Image quality, coverage angle, Computed tomography (CT).
关键词:image reconstruction; analytical; iterative; quantitative; computed tomography; SBP; FBP; ART