摘要:In edible oil, in order to corporate of fatty acid esterification methods, BF3-methanol (Bor Triflorür Methanol sealed tube direct methylation, transesterification with TMSH (trimethylsulphoniumhydroxide) and Na-methoxide (Natrium Methoxide, CH3NaO) methods were taken up. These methods were applied to olive oil, sunflower oil, margarine samples and mixed pure fatty acid analytic standards. Palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid amount which were found at the and of analysis in olive oil, sunflower oil and margarine samples were analysed statistically, according to two factorial experimental design in randomized plots and each treatment consist of five replicates. In the study of mixed pure fatty add analytic standards, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid were analyzed statistically according to experimental design in randomized plots and each treatment consist of three replicates (Düzgüneş, 1975, Turan 1991). The values that were found important to variance analysis were grouped according to Duncan test (p>0.05).