摘要:In this study, six popcorn variety and lines were obtained from Antalya Agricultural Research Institute and a popcorn grower in Adana. The popcorn samples were tempered 10 different moisture contents (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18%) and popped using microwave and conventional method. Quadratic regression equations were used in analysis. According to statistical analysis, regression coefficients of expansion volume and unpopped kernel ratio (a, b1, b2), determination coefficients (R2) and optimum moisture contents of all pop-corns popped with microwave and conventional method were calculated. Determine coefficients retating to expansion volume and unpopped kernel ratio (R2) was statistically significant at all popcorn samples and both methods. The calculated moisture contents for maximum expansion volume were ranged from 12.38 to 13.93 % in conventional popping, 12.56 to 13.28 % in microwave popping depending upon the va¬riety of popcorn. Optimum moisture content for minimum unpopped kernel ratio ranged from 11.13-13.83 % in conventional popping and 11.07-12.84 % in microwave popping. Optimum moisture content to obtain maximum technologic quality of popcorn was calculated 12.85 % in con¬ventional popping, 12.50 % in microwave popping.