摘要:Good harvest practices, such as picking early and cool hours, as well as avoiding exposure of the fruit to the sun, careful packaging and particularly prompt cooling after harvest, all these are known as prerequisite conditions to ensure a good keeping quality of all varieties during storage. The most important factors influencing the length and the quality of the storage of table grapes are water loss and decay causing fungi, namely Botrytis cinerea , Penicillium sp. and Alternaria sp. Low temperature and high relative humidity are required to minimize the water loss during storage of table grapes. In addition, grapes are fumigated with sulfur dioxide soon after harvest and during storage to reduce spoilage caused by decay organisms mentioned above. Storage life of table grapes in the storage environment is influenced most directly by temperature, relative humidity, air movement and fumigation with sulfur dioxide. In this article, factors affecting storage life of table grapes, prevention methods of post-harvest decay of table grapes, fumigation methods and techniques for storage of table grapes are explained.