摘要:In this research, tocopherol and tocotrienol contents of crude sunflower and corn oils obtained by pression and solvent extraction were determined by HPLC. a-tocopherol in sunflower oils obtained by pression and solvent extraction were higher than b+g-tocopherol and d-tocopherol. Whereas the tocotrienol levels were considerably low, was between 4.0 ppm and 9.1 ppm. b+g-tocopherol in corn oils obtained by pression were higher than a-tocopherol and d-tocopherol. On the other hand, the amount of tocotrienol was determined between 0.2 ppm and 0.8ppm. In conclusion, the tocopherol levels of crude sunflower oils after pression and solvent extraction were similar. The dominant tocopherol was a-tocopherol in sunflower oil, however; b+g-tocopherol in corn oil.
关键词:Tocopherol; tocotrienol; sunflower oil; corn oil; pression and extraction